
MG1  Kovanic P.: A generalized analogy of the Zadeh-Ragazzini problem (in Russian), Avtomatika i telemechanika (Automation and Telemechanics), Moscow, XXVII (1966), 2, 37-48
MG2  Kovanic P.: Minimum Penalty Estimate (in English), Kybernetika (The Cybernetics, Prague) 8 (1972), 5, 367-383
MG3  Kovanic P.: Generalized Linear Estimate of Functions of Random Matrix Arguments (in English), Kybernetika (The Cybernetics, Prague) 10 (1974), 4, 303-316
MG4  Kovanic P.: Classification of Linear Estimators (in English), Kybernetika (The Cybernetics, Prague) 15 (1979), 3, 193-203
MG5  Kovanic P.: Gnostical Theory of Individual Data (in English), Problems of Control and Information Theory 13 (1984), 4, 259-274
MG6  Kovanic P.: Gnostical Theory of Small Samples of Real Data (in English), Problems of Control and Information Theory 13 (1984), 5, 303-319
MG7  Kovanic P.: On Relations between Information and Physics (in English), Problems of Control and Information Theory 13 (1984), 6, 383-399
MG8  Kovanic P.: A New Theoretical and Algorithmical Basis for Estimation, Identification and Control (in English), Automatica IFAC 22 (1986), 6, 657-674 In Czech: Automatizace 29 (1986), 4, 90-95
MG9  Kovanic P., Vlachý J.: Gnostical Analysis of International Activities in Physics (in English), Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B 36 (1986), 71-76
MG10  Kovanic P., Pacovský J.: Robust Filtering and Fault Diagnosis by Gnostical Methods (in English), Proceedings of the X-th World Congress IFAC 1987 on Automatic Control, IFAC, Munich (1987), Vol.3, 86-90
MG11  Kovanic P., Novovičová J.: On Estimators Worth to be Applied to Real Data (in English), Report of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences No.1463 (1987), 14 pp.
MG12  Kovanic P.: Gnostic theory of uncertain data (in Czech), Report of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences No.1542 (1989), 144 pp., 15 figs.
MG13  Kovanic P.: Gnostical Approach to Robust Control (in English), Joint British — Czechoslovak conference „Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications“, Prague, May 14 – 16 (1990), 4 pp., 8 Figs. Published in Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 158, Springer–Verlag N.Y. (1991)
MG14  Kovanic P., Bőhm J.: Robust PID — Control (in English), IFAC Workshop on Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory, Prague, Preprints MICC’92 (1992) 235–237
MG15  Kovanic P., Volf P.: Robust identification of Reliability models (in Czech), Proceedings of the ROBUST conference ’92, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University, Prague (1992)
MG16  Kovanic P.: Gnostical Modelling of Uncertainty (in English), MTNS ’93 — International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, August 2-6, 1993, Regensburg, Germany
MG17  Kovanic P., Humber M.B.: A New Paradigm for Econometrics (in English), The Third International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Economics and Management, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., August 25–27, 1993
MG18  Paukert T., Rubeška I., Kovanic P.: A New Look at Analytical Data Through the Gnostical Analyser (in English), The Analyst, 118, Febr. 1993, 145–148

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